Note: Pricing is not finalized and is estimated, if pricing is reduced at a later date all preorders will reflect the updated pricing so there is no risk in preordering! Additionally all information is tentative, once final product photos and pricing is available we will update the listing to reflect this.
First 5 gestalts have to pay in full upon arrival. Deposit RM200 will be used for last gestalt. Payment for last gestalt = price-200 (deposit), shipping fees not included
Early Bird Pricing!!!
- Generation Toy - GT-01A Scraper = RM325
- Generation Toy - GT-01B Mixer Truck = RM3xx
- Generation Toy - GT-01C Bulldozer = RM3xx
- Generation Toy - GT-01D Navvy = RM3xx
- Generation Toy - GT-01E Dump Truck = RM3xx
- Generation Toy - GT-01F Crane = RM3xx
- Generation Toy - GT-01G Tyrant = Free Gift for Preorder Customers before 20/07/2015
Shipping Charges to be confirmed upon the arrival of each gestalts.